Henry Goes Turkey Hunting--April 15, 2017

A recent adventure is sure to go down in the annals of our family LLC.  I took Henry turkey hunting for the first time (even the title of this journal entry screams ADVENTURE!).  Ashley had asked if I was interested in taking him, and I quickly answered yes.  Tractor Supply outfitted my turkey hunting apprentice in John Deere camouflaged overalls, and off to the woods we went.  His mother made sure he was ready to leave his cozy Bluff House bed promptly at 6:15 a.m.  We drove to the Grantham tract, north of the highway, hoping to connect with the gobbler I had seen several times that week, but we heard nothing.  We did accomplish a number of things:  Henry made quite a fashion statement in the turkey woods, I made a new turkey hunting partner for life, and we enjoyed a delicious breakfast at the Main Street Grill where Henry told the waitress he was three and three quarters years old--to which she replied, "He is the cutest thing I have ever seen!".  Not bad for our first time out.

Henry (aka "The Big Man") is dressed and ready for action!  We are hopeful this photo will result in some serious sponsorship money from John Deere. 

Henry (aka "The Big Man") is dressed and ready for action!  We are hopeful this photo will result in some serious sponsorship money from John Deere.


Posed photo of Henry and wild turkey hen (Real Henry and fake turkey, affectionately known as Gertrude). 

Posed photo of Henry and wild turkey hen (Real Henry and fake turkey, affectionately known as Gertrude).


My spotter, diligently searching the landscape for a glimpse of our target. 

My spotter, diligently searching the landscape for a glimpse of our target.


"Nothing to see here. What say we find some eggs and bacon?" 

"Nothing to see here. What say we find some eggs and bacon?"


Henry's tutor and role model with a turkey taken April 1 on the Carlton's Hole tract. 

Henry's tutor and role model with a turkey taken April 1 on the Carlton's Hole tract.